Alessandro Bruni

Alessandro Bruni is a civil and commercial lawyer and founder of CONCILIA, an Italian leader in the ADR sector and Training Center for Mediators since 1999, accredited by the Ministry of Justice. Alessandro has +25 years of professional experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Since 2003 he has been a trainer in "Effective Communication", "Mediation and ADR" and "Strategic Management of Human Resources", at the International Academy of Peace Sciences, Rome. He is also a mediator trainer and trainer of trainers at the University of Pisa, Italy, and has extensive experience in training and consulting several thousand professionals, companies, public bodies, chambers of commerce, universities, ADR centres, in effective communication, ADR techniques, neuro- linguistic programming, negotiation, strategic human resources management, public speaking, self-motivation, wellbeing, EU law, private international law, from 1996 to present.

He is considered one of the leading Italian experts in teaching and consultancy in Mediation, ADR, and Strategic Problem Solving. He is also an IMI Certified Mediator and IMI Mediation Advocacy Expert (the first accredited in Italy). Alessandro has acted as a Mediator in over 7,500 proceedings both nationally and internationally, and he is accredited as mediator and/or arbitrator by numerous ADR providers around the world.

Since 2016 he is recognized every year by the international research "Who is Who Legal" as one of the top mediators-lawyers in the world, with clients and peers praising as “a very sharp man, with an incomparable insight on mediation issues”, and "he has all the main qualities of a professional mediator including wide and inexhaustible experience in national and international law", and "he is valued for his empathetic and sensitive approach".

Alessandro has been several times nominated as a Key Expert or a Key International Expert in EU financed projects for the development of Mediation Programs and/or the training in Mediation and ADR Techniques in, among others, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Croatia, Serbia Montenegro, Turkey, Moldova, Egypt, and Tunisia. He is the author of more than 10 books on mediation and ADR, EU Law, International Private Law, and several publications and articles. Alessandro speaks English and Italian.